Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Is Zionism a negator of iman?

Serious question: Does Zionism negate iman? Or is it even possible for someone to be both a Muslim and a Zionist? I ask cos for years I've thought of rulers of Muslim lands according to the ayahs of surah Maida, that as they "do not rule by what Allah revealed", they are either "kafirs", "fasiqs" or "zalims" and I know a fasiq can still be Muslim albeit a sinful one. I'm very very wary of calling anyone kafir cos of the hadith regarding the seriousness of this, but would appreciate some clarity inshaAllah

Salam Dear Sister, Jazak Allah for your question, Zionism is political movement based on fallacious Torahic claims, namely that Mount Zion, which is a hill in al-Quds located just outside the walls of the Old City, belongs to the Jews. Hence, all the Torahic claims nullify Iman.
However, we cannot judge a person whose behaviour reflects some Zionist tendencies as being a Kafir, since the Kafir is the one who believes in the Torahic claims, not the one who behaves as such and executes its agenda; this is exactly akin to the Muslim who separates religion from life in his behaviour due to laziness, but he does not believe in the idea of separating religion from life, which is based on negating the referentiality and authoritativeness of revelation.
Hence, you are right about being wary of calling someone a Kafir based on their behaviour. I hope this answers your query. Ramadhan Karim Inshallah

Fascinating. JazakAllah khayr that's very helpful. It's just that in recent months I've started referring to Arab rulers as "Zionists in jubbas" due to their actions and that led me to wonder whether it is a nullifier of iman or not. I hope you don't mind if I share this question and answer on social media as it may offer clarity to others with similar questions

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