Thursday, 26 October 2023

Fascism, 1930s ghettos, dehumanisation followed by annihilation

 We were all taught about the holocaust in our history lessons- what did we learn?

- That people in power blamed Jews for most societal problems in Germany

- That mobs and gangs went round smashing up Jewish homes and businesses, with the approval of the government

- That Jews were relentlessly mocked and demonised in the press through insulting cartoons

- Jews were constantly depicted in the media as conniving, evil and a major threat 

- Jews were discriminated against and locked away in ghettos behind a barbed wire fence

- Jews were never accepted as belonging to the nation they'd lived in for generations (or even centuries)

- Millions of Jews were driven out of the country or killed solely due to their religious identity

- That these^ measures were the first steps towards planning the mass murder/annihilation of Jews

- Attacks on Jews were never perceived as 'unprovoked'- it was viewed as their own fault for being the scourge of an otherwise 'civilised' society

- The Daily Mail made cartoons depicting Jewish refugees as rats

Now replace the word 'Jews' with 'Muslims' and 'Germany' with 'occupied Palestine' and that will give you an exact description of the situation there from 1948 to the present day.  The main difference now is that Britain, America and Europe are endorsing and justifying the ethnic cleansing and genocide as "the right to defend themselves".  Meanwhile social media are actively censoring/restricting many who speak out against what is currently happening.  The West are sending a clear message: the holocaust is an evil and unjustifiable act when it happens to white Jews- but the same thing happening to Palestinian Muslims is fair game

NB: I've slightly edited the image to blot out the swastika inside the red rectangle in case it was the reason why the image was initially censored